It is a form of non-profit organization with a web base that reports the compliance of ethical business rules of suppliers and where the results are maintained, responsible for sharing this information with internationally-related customers and dedicated to the improvement and sustainability of ethical business activities. day, parallel to the difference in the global operating environment creates solution-producing policies.

Oeko – TEX
STANDARD 100 OEKO-TEX®, is a certification system for raw materials, technologies, processes and products (colorants and chemicals) that comply with international safety standards.
Disney (Disney Audit Factory) customer audits are conducted to ensure that all branded products are produced in compliance with the standards, in order to ensure that they operate in a corporate and safe manner.

For Primark, each manufacturer must undertake to meet internationally recognized standards before ordering. Primark is very selective about businesses and factories that work with it.
The Primark Code of Conduct oversees and evaluates businesses in terms of Social Compliance through programs and policies implemented to positively influence standards in the apparel and textile industry.